luni, 3 mai 2010


y lovely boy

I know your heart

Cause you smiled and that was enough

How did I fell inlove I don’t know

All I know is that I miss you so

Eras may pass,but you made HIStory

Love you implanted in each and every heart

Just when you were born

A bright star rose upon the sky

Crown of joy the little king had

Kid with a promise to the world

So you grew up with music in your soul

Of healing the planet and its people was your goal

No limits for you,with L.O.V.E you did it all

Baiatul meu drag

Iti cunosc inima

Pentru ca ai zambit si asta a fost indeajuns

Cum m-am indragostit nu stiu

Tot ce stiu e ca imi lipsesti atat de mult

Ere vor trece,dar tu ai facut istorie

Ai sadit dragoste in fiecare inima

Cand te-ai nascut

O stea sclipitoare a rasarit pe cer

Coroana de bucurie avea micutul rege

Copil cu o promisiune catre lume

Asa ca ai crescut cu muzica in sufletul tau

Scopul tau era acela de a vindeca planeta si oamenii sai

Nu ai cunoscut limite,cu dragoste ai facut totul

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